Monday, 12 September 2011

It's a mans world after all!

For decades people have fought for equal rights and opportunities and yet we still hear that 'it's a mans world.' I have been working as a chef for fourteen years but I had to claw my way to the top.

Women have always been known to do the cooking at home, feeding their husbands and children, but women cooking for the public is a different matter, unless it's a bake sale!

I wake up every morning knowing that even after all these years I still have to fight for my job. If I let my guard down, men will take over. Working in the catering trade has always been a dog eat dog world but now I'm getting told that it's a mans world.

What are we expected to do about it? I, for one am not wasting all the hard work it took to get where I am now and one day, who knows, maybe people will say 'it's a womans world.'

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