Thursday, 19 May 2011

Dancing Hippopotamus

There is a dancing hippopotamus,
His friends call him Theodopalas.
His muddy back and muddy paws,
Are not as clean as his giant big jaws.
He dances all throughout the day,
His friends all shout "hippo hooray".
As night draws in, the moon appears,
The hippos shout the victory cheers.
Although he dances very well,
The others think that hippos smell.
The moral of this tale will be,
There's more to hippos then you will see. 

The kitchen corner

I cooked my husband and I a mushroom risotto for dinner tonight and it was really nice. I thought you might like to try cooking it for yourselves, it's such a simple dish.

(serves 2)

350g Arborio rice
1/2 Onion, finely diced
1 Clove of garlic, crushed
Wild mushrooms, as many as you like
Approximately 2pts of mushroom stock
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for cooking

Gently sweat the onions and crushed garlic in a pan without colouring. Stir in the rice and cover with the stock mix. Stir regularly and keep topping up with the liquid until the rice is cooked. Whilst the rice is cooking, heat a little oil in a frying pan and gently cook the mushrooms. When the rice is cooked, add to the mushrooms and mix together. Season to taste.
Serve with shavings of parmesan cheese sprinkled over the top.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Writing reviews for Dorset food and drink

A short while ago I applied for a job writing reviews for the Dorset food and drink guide and I was surprised to receive an email letting me know that they are going to put me on their books!

During the months of July and August I will be eating out in various restaurants, with my guest and then writing a review on the food, drink and atmosphere etc.
I can not wait to start, I wander where I'll get sent.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

The kitchen corner

(serves 4)

4 Boneless breasts of chicken
4 Slices of back bacon
4 Pineapple rings
Grated cheese for topping

Place the chicken breasts on the char-grill or BBQ and cook evenly on both sides until the juices run clear. Whilst cooking the chicken, char-grill the pineapple rings on both sides. Cook the bacon until crispy. Place a piece of bacon on each breast of chicken, top with the pineapple and a handful of cheese and grill until the golden.
This dish goes really well with a seasonal salad and chips or potato wedges.

My very first time blogging

This is my first ever blog and I am excited. I have so many ideas of things to write about that I just don't know where to start so I'll begin by telling you about myself.

I am a head chef working in Bridport. I have a great team and enjoy what I do. I love food and thought that I would write a regular kitchen corner with recipes that you might like to try and anything that is happening at the restaurant where I work.

I am also doing a creative writing course which is brilliant and at the moment I am learning about journalism. Part of the course is writing articles to get published. If I write anything interesting I will post them on here as well.

I am also a poet. I have had several poems published but have loads that are unpublished which I would love to know what you think of them. I will write some on here, please feel free to be as brutal about them as you like.

Wish me luck.